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Links: Addisons Disease - International - Medical Condition

Netherlands - Addison & Cushing International Federation (ACIF)

ACIF is, or was meant to be, a platform of organisations who are involved in the support of those affected with Addison's disease and Cushing's syndrome (or disease) and related adrenal or pituitary related diseases like Acromegaly, CAH and others disorders. ACIF runs a listing of addresses of support groups or individuals provided they live in a country where no support group already is active.

New Zealand - New Zealand Addison's Network (NZAN)

New Zealand Addison's Network (NZAN) was formed in 1996. Membership is now more than 75 (September 2001).
We send three newsletters per year, and copies of overseas newsletters, to members and to all endocrinologists and endocrine clinics in New Zealand.

USA - JOs Autoimmune Sanctuary

This is a fantastic site
The first thing we need is an understanding of what Addison`s Disease is. I hope to give you an explanation as well as a personal glimpse into what it is like to have it. As I said on the index page I will not be giving credit here as that would be impossible. I have collected this information over the past twenty-two years from various sources, source types, and from personal experience as well.

USA - National Adrenal Diseases Foundation

The National Addison's Disease Foundation was formed in 1985 by a young couple as a result of their experiences with Addison's disease. At that time, there was no organization established which would provide guidance and information about what life was like with adrenal insufficiency. There was no way to contact others who shared this illness. Although Addison's disease is considered a rare disease, it is estimated that at least 10,000 individuals in the United States have this condition (this is probably an underestimation).
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