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Links: Celiac Disease /Dermatitis Herpetiformis - International - Medical Condition

Denver Celiac Support Group

The Denver Metro Chapter 17 of the Celiac Sprue Association (CSA/USA) provides support for persons with CD and DH - meetings, events, and the GF diet

Finland - Suomen Keliakialiitto ry

In Finnish/English Mistä gluteenitonta leipää ulkomailla? Suomen Keliakialiittoon tulee vuosittain yhä enemmän kyselyjä gluteenittomien tuotteiden saatavuudesta ulkomailla. Saatavuus vaihtelee runsaasti eri maissa ja jopa paikkakuntakohtaisesti, lisäksi tuotteiden ostopaikoissa on eroja. Keliakiatuntemus maamme rajojen ulkopuolella on myös hyvin vaihtelevaa ja yleensä sangen vaatimatonta Pohjoismaiden

Germany - Germany - Deutschen Zöliakie-Gesellschaft

In German/English, Die DZG ist eine Selbsthilfeorganisation, eingetragen als gemeinnütziger Verein, und hat folgende Organe:

Gluten-Free Diet - A Comprehensive Resource Guide

This guide is intended to provide practical information about the gluten-free diet, including nutritional aspects, meal planning, shopping, recipes, brand names of gluten-free products available, directory of companies and other resources.

Home of Naples Florida Celiac Support Group Online

This site is to help fellow celiacs in Naples to know what to eat and where they can find support online. If you have any information that you would like me to add to this site please send me an email God Bless,

Italy - L'Associazione Italiana Celiachia (AIC)

- L'Associazione Italiana Celiachia (AIC) e' nata a Milano nell'aprile 1979 per volonta' di un gruppo di genitori di bambini celiaci e di pediatri gastroenterologi. L'Associazione ha un proprio Statuto.

Jewish Celiacs Newsletter

Jewish Celiacs Newsletter Jewish Celiacs Newsletter is devoted to helping all Celiacs, but especially Jewish Celiacs because of the unique difference, which has to do with Kosher food. Our goal is to make it easier to find gluten-free, Kosher food as well as it is to inform all about Celiac Disease and how to survive with it. We offer news, FAQs, recipes and other things to keep Celiacs informed.

Switzerland - Schweizerische Interessengemeinschaft für Zöliakie

Die Zöliakie oder Sprue, wie die Krankheit beim Erwachsenen heisst, ist eine chronische Krankheit die bei entsprechender erblicher Veranlagung durch den Genuss glutenhaltiger Speisen ausgelöst wird. Neuste Erkenntnisse gehen davon aus, dass möglicherweise 0,5 Prozent der Bevölkerung von Zöliakie betroffen ist.

The Canadian Celiac Association, Hamilton Chapter

The Canadian Celiac Association is a national organization dedicated to providing services and support to persons with Celiac Disease and Dermatitis Herpetiformis through programs of awareness, advocacy, education and research.

The Coeliac Society of Australia

The Coeliac Society of Australia was formed in 1980 to provide a forum to promote the national welfare and uniformity of purpose and objectives of the State Coeliac Societies throughout Australia. The State Societies aim to give information and support to those who are medically diagnosed with coeliac disease and their families, sufferers of dermatitis herpetiformis and those medically diagnosed as requiring a gluten free diet.

The Coeliac Society of Ireland

The Coeliac Society of Ireland was formed in Dublin in 1970 with its aim to "promote, safeguard and protect the interests of the members in relation to the Coeliac condition".
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