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Links: Heart Disease - International - Medical Condition

Australia - Heart Support

A national non-profit organisation run by volunteers, which provides support, information and encouragement for heart patients and their families.

Australia - National Heart Foundation

The Heart Foundation is an independent Australia-wide, non-profit health organisation, funded almost entirely by donations from Australians. The Foundation's purpose is to improve the heart health of Australians and to reduce disability and death from heart and blood vessel disease by: · promoting and conducting research to gain and apply knowledge about heart health and blood vessel disease, its prevention and treatment.

Canada - Children's Heart Association for Support and Education (CHASE)

We are families who share he common bond of having children with cardiac problems. We meet together for education and support.

Canadian Adult Congenital Heart Network

Our aim is to provide comprehensive care and information to adult patients with congenital heart disease and their care providers.

Finland - Synja (Sydännuoret ja -aikuiset)

Both in Finnish/English Synja on nuori järjestö, eikä sen historia ole kovin pitkä. Kun ensimmäiset sydänlapset 80-luvun alkupuolella varttuivat nuoriksi, huomaattiin, että yhdistyksen on tarjottava jotakin myös tälle uudelle jäsenryhmälleen. Ensimmäinen vain nuorille järjestetty sopeutumisvalmennuskurssi järjestettiin vuonna 1987 Maisansalossa. ja tämän jälkeen niitä on järjestetty vuosittain. Ne ovat kuitenkin Kelan rahoittamia opetustapahtumia, joille ei pääse kuin muutaman kerran.
Young adults with congenital heartdisorders don't have an organisation of their own here in Finland. We function as a regional organisation but still as a member of Organisation for children with congenital heartdisorders (Sydänlapset ry). There are about 15 regional organisations belonging to the main organisation and in practise young people function the same way, although we all live in differen places of Finland.

Germany - Die Deutsche Herzstiftung

Die Deutsche Herzstiftung ist ein gemeinnütziger Verein, der 1979 von bedeutenden Ärzten gegründet wurde.
Die Deutsche Herzstiftung kämpft gegen Herz- und Kreislauf-Erkrankungen. Sie kämpft zusammen mit hervorragenden Experten, die sich hier mit ihrem ganzen Wissen und ihrer Erfahrung engagieren. Die Stärken der Deutschen Herzstiftung sind ihre Unabhängigkeit und ihre enge Bindung an die Wissenschaft. Ihrem Wissenschaftlichen Beirat gehören fast alle führenden Kliniker und Wissenschaftler an, die auf dem Gebiet der Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen arbeiten.

Germany - Jugendliche und Erwachsene mit angeborenem Herzfehler (JEMAH)

JEMAH e.V. wurde am 11. November 1997 - nach mehrjähriger Vorlaufzeit - als eingetragener Verein (mit Sitz in Braunschweig) gegründet. Entstanden ist der Verein durch Betroffene, deren Eltern bereits in Herzkind e.V. engagiert waren. Bei der Gründung des Vereins richtete man sich nach vergleichbaren Selbsthilfegruppen in Nordeuropa, unter anderem in Schottland und Finnland, die schon über jahrelange Erfahrungen verfügten.

Heart Children

Heart Children, set up in 1990, is a parent support group for families of children with congenital heart defects. Congenital heart defects (CHD) affect one in every hundred children born at present. The majority of these babies are treated at Our Lady's Hospital for Sick Children, Crumlin, Dublin 12, which is the national centre for paediatric cardiology in the Irish Republic.

Heartinfo - Heart Information Network

HeartInfo is an independent, educational Web site that provides a wide range of information and services to heart patients and others interested in learning about lowering risk factors for heart disease. Founded by a heart patient and a physician who is a renowned expert on heart disease, the site is dedicated to empowering individuals and fostering a dialogue between individuals and their physicians.


HeartPoint has been created by medical professionals to provide patients with a source of credible information about heart disease. Having any type of disorder of the heart can be scary- we're here so that you understand your heart, and how to take care of it with the best graphic and written explanations we can muster.

Netherlands - De Nederlandse Hartstichting

De Nederlandse Hartstichting heeft een fascinerende ontstaansgeschiedenis en heeft een onmiskenbaar stempel gedrukt op de Nederlandse samenleving. De Hartstichting werd officieel in het leven geroepen op 29 januari 1964 om hart- en vaatziekten terug te dringen. Sinds de vice-voorzitters H.A. Snellen, C.L.C. van Nieuwenhuizen en M.J. Meihuizen in Den Haag de oprichtingsakte ondertekenden, is er aan die doelstelling weinig veranderd. Op het ministerie van Volksgezondheid zag men al eerder in dat hartziekten geen ouderdomsverschijnsel meer waren maar zich tot een ware volksziekte hadden ontwikkeld. Daarom had de directeur-generaal van dat ministerie, prof. dr. P. Muntendam, Snellen benaderd om in Nederland een organisatie op te richten zoals de American Heart Association: een samenwerkingsverband tussen medici en leken. Uiteraard was er veel geld nodig. Het gironummer 300 werd in het leven geroepen.

New Zealand - National Heart Foundation

The Heart Foundation aims to promote good health for all New Zealanders and to reduce suffering and early death from heart and blood vessel disease.

Respiratory on the Web

Respiratory Therapy Societies/AARC Chapters/Related Medical Societies and Organizations

The Congenital Heart Information Network

C.H.I.N. is an international organization that provides reliable information, support services and resources to families of children with congenital heart defects and acquired heart disease, adults with congenital heart defects, and the professionals who work with them.

The Congenitial Heart Disease Resource Page

My intention for this site is to give parents of children with congenital heart disease a place to find information about specific diseases and other support resources. I am not a doctor nor do I have any medical training. In no way should this site be a substitute for professional medical care or attention by a qualified practitioner, nor should it be inferred as such. ALWAYS check with your doctor (or your child's doctor) if you have any questions or concerns about a specific condition.

USA - Adult Congenital Heart Association (ACHA)

ACHA is a national organization for adults, and adolescents, with congenital heart disease (CHD). The purpose of ACHA is to educate the public, adults with CHD, and the medical community about adult congenital heart issues through the development of forums, newsletters, support groups and other methods of public information.
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