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Links: Mental Health Info - International - Medical Condition

Australia - Association of Relatives And Friends of the Emotionally and Mentally Ill.

ARAFEMI provides services to the community of the state of Victoria, Australia for the care and support of families and individuals dealing with an emotional or mental illness.

Australia - SANE

An Australian national charity helping people affected by mental illness through campaigning, education and research.

Germany - Bayerische-Anti-STigma-Aktion

Both in German/English
Die Bayerische-Anti-STigma-Aktion BASTA ist Teil des weltweiten Programms der World Psychiatric Association gegen die iskriminierung psychisch kranker Menschen. Zusammen mit anderen Aktionsgruppen in Deutschland (Ansprechpartner) arbeiten wir (Psychiatrie-Erfahrene, Angehörige, Ärzte, Pflegekräfte, Sozialarbeiter, Journalisten etc.) an verschiedenen Projekten, die alle unter dem Motto stehen:
Stoppt die Diskriminierung psychisch kranker Menschen !!
Bavarian Anti-STigma Action) works to end discrimination and stigma towards people with a mental illness. psychisch kranker Menschen !!
Bavarian Anti-STigma Action) works to end discrimination and stigma towards people with a mental illness.

India - Society of the Mentally Handicapped

SHILPA is special school where 105 children of varying ages and with differing degrees of mental and physical disability, are taught basic self-help skills.

Internet Mental Health

Effective, well-researched treatments exist for most mental disorders, yet the majority of people who have severe mental illness are not treated. Our goal is to improve understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of mental illness throughout the world.

Mental Disability Rights International

Mental Disability Rights International (MDRI) is an international non-governmental advocacy organization dedicated to the recognition and enforcement of the rights of people with mental disabilities

Mental Health Net

In September 1995 CMHC Systems chief John Paton invited psychologist John Grohol, Psy.D. to develop a web site on the topic of mental health as a free service to the worldwide mental health community of professionals and laypeople. Officially launched in November 1995 (and an Ohio Non-profit company since March 11, 1996), Mental Help Net (MHN) has since gone on to become one of the top three premier mental health sites on the web today. MHN is the most comprehensive source of online mental health information, news and resources. MHN has also won numerous awards for design and content. MHN is currently Directed by Mark Dombeck, Ph.D.


NAMI is dedicated to the eradication of mental illnesses and to the improvement of the quality of life of all whose lives are affected by these diseases.
The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) is a nonprofit, grassroots, self-help, support and advocacy organization of consumers, families, and friends of people with severe mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia, major depression, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and anxiety disorders.

National Alliance for Mentally Ill (NAMI)

NAMI is a nonprofit, grassroots, self-help, support and advocacy organization of consumers, families, and friends of people with severe mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic and other severe anxiety disorders, autism and pervasive developmental disorders, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and other severe and persistent mental illnesses that affect the brain.

Netherlands - Ypsilon

Ypsilon is de landelijke vereniging van familieleden van mensen met schizofrenie of een psychose. Ze is actief op het gebied van zelfhulp, belangenbehartiging en voorlichting. De vereniging werd opgericht in 1984 en telt ruim 7.000 leden en 50 afdelingen. Ze vormt daarmee de grootste consumentenvereniging in de geestelijke gezondheidszorg.

New Zealand - Mental Health Foundation

The comprehensive information contained in this site is important for all New Zealanders regardless of sex, age, culture or background. Taking care of one's own health is as important as looking after another's.


Mind is the leading mental health charity in England and Wales. We work to create a better life for everyone with experience of mental distress

Scotland - Scottish association for Mental Health (SAMH)

Excellent Scottish Website

The Arc

The Arc of the United States works to include all children and adults with cognitive, intellectual, and developmental disabilities in every community.

The International Society for Mental Health Online (ISMHO)

The International Society for Mental Health Online (ISMHO) was formed in 1997 to promote the understanding, use and development of online communication, information and technology for the international mental health community. ISMHO is a nonprofit corporation.

World Federation for Mental Health

World Federation for Mental Health's Agenda
Improving the quality of mental health services.
Reducing the stigma associated with mental and emotional disorders.
Protecting the human rights of persons defined as mentally ill.
Promoting mental health.
Preventing mental/emotional illness, distress and less than optimal function, both in general populations and in vulnerable groups at risk.
Identifying widespread mental health issues, and encouraging international, national and local campaigns for public education.
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