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Links: Speech Disorder - Medical Condition

Find a Voice aims to help children and adults with communication difficulties literally to `Find A Voice`. We provide on-line information to everyone and personal support to individuals, their carers and professionals in Kent and Medway. Well over a million people in the UK today have some kind of speech difficulty and about half a million of those have significant problems in speaking and communicating.

1 Voice

If you are a child, family or adult who uses a communication aid, a professional who works with alternative or augmentative communication (AAC), a valued supporter of 1 Voice, or just finding out more about AAC, you are welcome at this site.

Afasic - Unlocking Speech and Language

Across the UK the lives of over 1 million children and young adults are affected by the hidden disability of speech, language and communication impairments. Afasic is the UK charity, established in 1968, to help these children and young people, their families and the professionals working with them.


Learning and Communication Support for students experiencing barriers to inclusion.

I Can

Imagine growing up in a world where everyone speaks a foreign language or your own words come out jumbled up. A world where you can`t communicate with anyone. Imagine how isolated and confused you would feel?

Speech Teach UK

Our site has been developed to provide speech therapy resources for parents and professionals supporting children with speech and learning difficulties for example dyspraxia, apraxia and autism. Other areas of articulation, literacy and late speaking are also covered together with links and reviews for other websites specialising in these areas.


Speech-Language Pathologists are continually looking for new activities. This site has a variety of printable activities and ideas for different ages, all FREE! Help yourself and share with your colleagues. Parents are also encouraged to enjoy the activities.

Talking Point

Talking Point is your first stop on the internet for information about speech, language and communication difficulties in children.

The Hanen Centre

The Hanen Centre, a charitable organization founded more than 25 years ago, is committed to making a difference in the lives of young children by supporting and collaborating with the adults in their lives. Our mission is to provide the important people in a young child`s life with the knowledge and training they need to help the child develop the best possible language, social and literacy skills.

Will I grow out of it?

Will I grow out of it? Milestones and warning signs for speech and language development. Information from birth to 5th birthday telling you what you might expect your child to be doing with respect to language at the various milestone ages. Also gives you things to look out for if there may be a problem with your child`s speech development.
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